
Engineering Specialist

Within DCM country or region. Execute the Mechnical and Electrical Engineering Operational strategy and ensure implementation of common processes and procedures. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering oversight ensuring the department framework supports the primary objective of maintaining the Integrity of services

 Principal Accountabilities:

  • Provide oversight of Change Management implementation for Engineering activities
  • Manage Engineering operational risk and provide input into relevant risk database.
  • Key project contact for on site specialist Engineering activities including Infrastructure upgrades
  • Deliver Energy saving Initiatives in line with the Energy strategy
  • Meets expectations of internal customers through delivery of  high quality  projects, meeting their needs and demonstrating the added value of service provided
  • Continual improvement of reporting and procedures to enable project managers and customers to focus on critical path deliverables and measure success.
  • Ensures the Integrity of the Engineering technical library and online repository
  • Ensure Planned Preventative Maintenance procdures and objectives are met and reported.

En HSBC esperamos que nuestra gente se trate con dignidad y respeto, creando una cultura incluyente que promueva igualdad de oportunidades. Nuestros valores definen quiénes somos como organización y lo que nos distingue, valoramos la diferencia, avanzamos juntos, nos hacemos responsables de nuestras acciones, usamos el buen juicio, hacemos lo correcto y hacemos que las cosas sucedan.

En HSBC nos encontramos orientados a garantizar la igualdad de género y capacitación constante hacia nuestros empleados así como a la protección de sus derechos laborarles y sociales