Job Advert Details
If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。

HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息!

請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community!

Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.

- People responsibility: N
- Report to : Payment Service Manager
- Job Content :
● 準確且快速的確保所有匯入匯出款交割品質
● 遵守公司所有相關規定以執行相關工作
● 熟悉內部相關系統以確保提供最佳服務
● 提供專業且親切的服務給顧客
● For the staff handle FX transaction the Certificate of Basic Proficiency Test of International Banking Personnel (初階外匯人員專業能力測驗) is required. Or had 3 month working experience in FX transaction.
- University majored in Business or legal related.
- 熟悉銀行後台作業及具備銀行匯出匯入款作業經驗者佳
- 細心、溝通能力良好
- 英文溝通能力佳
- 對銀行後台作業有高度熱誠
- 中英文打字每分鐘50字以